Payroll is an important activity in any organization. Payroll software has been specially designed for automating payroll system. With Sunita Infosys, it is possible to maximize the potential of payroll through timely and accurate salary processing, efficient handling of reimbursements, loans & advances and Government of India statutory requirements including all PF and ESIC challans and TDS.
The main features of the software are:
- Easy to setup
- Flexible configuration
- Easy to browse through master data
- Finds any information within seconds
- Context sensitive help
- Designed for windows
- Native windows look and feel
- Easy and intuitive interface
- Easy to start at any time of the year
The modules of software are highly integrated. All the modules are easy to use. The software supports user defined password scheme, allowing each organization to customize the security features to its own needs. All the reports generated by the system could be viewed at user’s convenience.
The modules are as follows:
- Employee Entry
- Attendance
- Salary
- Loans
- P. F. Challan & other Forms
- E.S.I.C. Challan & other Forms
- Reports